What To Know Before Getting A Nose Piercing

What To Know Before Getting A Nose Piercing

Since (what seems like) the beginning of time, nose rings have adorned a global sea of colorful faces to signify a rite of passage, marital status, financial status, connections with religion, or simply to beautify.

When did people start piercing their noses?

The oldest documented reference to nose piercings is from India's ancient religious texts, called the Vedas, dating from about 1500 B.C.E. that describe goddess, Lakshmi, wearing ear and nose piercings. It is said that the practice of nostril piercing probably spread from the middle east to Asia by the sixteenth century by Mughal emperors. Since then, it has continued into our modern world as a mark of beauty and social standing for Indian women. In the nomadic Berber and Beja tribes of Africa, and the Middle Eastern Bedouin, the size of the nostril ring represents the family's wealth. A nose ring is even mentioned as a form of adornment and marital status in the Old Testament Bible in Genesis 24:22, where Abraham's servant gifted a nose ring to Rebekah when he knew he found the right bride for Abraham's son, Isaac. 

What is a nostril piercing?

There are several different types of nose piercings; however, we will just be covering the traditional nostril piercing (on the side). A piercing on the left or right nostril (or both) sits in a niche where the nostril usually flares.
In western culture, a nostril piercing is primarily for aesthetics rather than representing religion, marital status, or financial status.

Are nose piercings unprofessional?  

Only until the age of counterculture in the 1990's has the piercing been plummeted into our mainstream western culture. Prior, it has been viewed as unprofessional and an unacceptable outlet for teenage angst. We've come a long way fighting traditional views and morphing acceptances. Now traditional nostril piercings are one of the most common types of piercings. It's not surprising if your boss might be sporting one too.
If you feel the need to hide your piercing for work, you can insert clear studs or find a style that isn't so noticeable.


What style of nose ring is best?

The initial jewelry gauge is usually 20g or thicker. Ensure to take swelling into account and talk to your piercer about the correct initial jewelry size, depending on what gauge you get pierced with. Typically your initial jewelry should be a bit smaller than the pierced hole.
There are five different types of jewelry:
    1. The Ring
    • Hoop style that wraps around your nostril
    • Works well to start off with
    • Will not affect initial healing
    2.  The Nostril Screw
    • A stud modeled after a traditional east Indian design that has an ornament that stays on the exterior with a straight then curving tail on the end to secure the jewelry in place without requiring a backing
    • This design can be bent to fit the shape of your nose anatomy for more comfort and reduce irritations
    • Should not be visible inside your nose
    • Less visible than the ring style
    • Works well to start off with
    3. The Mini Barbell
    •  Looks exactly how it sounds
    • A good alternative if you find nostril screws uncomfortable
    • Minimizes jewelry on the interior of the nose
    • It may be harder to find as it is not as common as the other options
    4. The L-Bend Style
    • A modified nostril screw but does not have the curved tail at the end
    • Easier to insert but more likely to fall out
    • Best for use after you are healed

    5. The Nose Bone Style

    • A straight post with an ornament on the exterior end and a small ball on the interior end

    • It should only be for healed piercings that are pliable as it requires stretching the piercing a bit to get nose bone-in and out



      What is the best side to get your nose pierced on?

      It is common to have the left nostril pierced in India as it is associated with the female reproductive organs in ancient Ayurvedic medicine. It is believed to lessen menstrual pain and make childbirth easier. However, in western culture, many leave it up to the fate of a flipped coin or pick the side that best balances their face and other piercings.

      What should I know before getting my nose pierced?

      Before getting any piercing, take the time to consult with a piercer to go over your anatomy for piercing and choose your initial piercing jewelry. Make sure their knowledge is current and up to par by checking their portfolio for previous work that they have done. It is also important to make sure the piercing studio is clean. The piercing needles they will use for the procedure are individually wrapped in sterile packages. You can ask for them to be opened in front of you to make sure they are sterile.

      Check out the Association of Professional Piercers Safety Guide and Know Your Rights Guide for more safety info!

      It is best to stay hydrated, maintain a healthy diet, and get your rest before and after getting a piercing to ensure a smooth healing process. Right before the procedure, it is advised to give your nose a good blowing with a tissue. If you wear glasses, make sure they will not be touching your new piercing.

      How painful is a nose piercing?

      As with any piercing, there is going to be pain. Because the nose is more sensitive than other face areas, some describe it as more painful than ear and lip piercings, and others say it wasn't as bad as they expected it to be. If done professionally, the procedure is quick, and the pain is soon fleeting.

      How long does it take for a nose piercing to heal?

      On average, it takes about 3-6 months or longer to fully heal, depending on how well you care for it. After the procedure, some tearing of the eyes, sneezing, and blood is totally normal; make sure you have a tissue on hand.

      How do you take care of a nose piercing?

      Your piercer should provide you with aftercare instructions. If they do not, make sure to ask before leaving the studio.

      Here are some nose piercing aftercare guidelines:

      • WASH your hands before handling or touching your piercing!
      • Be very careful when you blow your nose and handle your new piercing gently.
      • SALINE rinse twice a day or as needed. 
      • RINSE as needed to remove the cleaning residue. Moving or rotating your jewelry to clean is not recommended. If you have crusties, they can be cleaned off gently around the piercing with a q-tip dipped in the saline solution. If they are too hard, soak in the saline solution again to soften.
      • DRY by gently patting with clean disposable paper products.
      • To help with the healing process, you can moisturize your nostril piercing with a combination of unrefined coconut oil (or organic jojoba oil) and tea tree oil.


      Is my nose piercing infected?

      Mild infections can happen if you are... allergic to the jewelry material, using a lousy aftercare cleaning solution, using the wrong piercing instruments, or  accidentally bumping it. Blisters or a pimple-like bumps can be handled if you keep up your saline routine. However, if it does not go away or any other symptoms appear that you are unsure of do not hesitate to reach out to your piercing professional.

      Nose Piercing Arrangement Inspiration

      Nostril piercings can be combined with septum piercings for an edgier look, and double nostril piercings will surely make you stand out!  









      That concludes our article. If you have any anecdotes to share, please leave us a comment! We will add it to this post.


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